Family Services

Children 6-11
Program (SNAP®)

Do you know a child between the ages of 6 – 11 years old who is experiencing difficulty at home, at school and/or in the community?

  • Does the child display any of the following behavior?
  • Physically and/or verbally aggressive behaviour
  • Defiant behaviour
  • Problems with family relationships
  • Lack of self-control and problem-solving skills
  • Difficulty making and keeping healthy peer relationships
  • Stealing
  • Bullying
  • Vandalizing or damaging property

Our SNAP® Program can help the child you’re thinking about.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How much does the SNAP® program cost?

    Funding from the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services allows Banyan to offer this service at no cost.

  • What kind of services are available?

    Services will vary in length and intensity, depending on a child’s progress and family needs. Family members may continue to be involved in all components as long as there is a demonstrated effort towards individualized goals and the service agreement is being upheld.

    The following SNAP® services are available:

    • SNAP® Children Groups
    • SNAP® Parenting Group
    • SNAP® Family Support
    • Individual 1:1 Support Meetings
    • School Advocacy and School Support
    • Growing Up Healthy
    • Additional SNAP® Services Offered:

    Community Connection

    • Crisis Intervention
    • Victim Restitution
    • Referral to HAPP-C (Hamilton Arson Prevention Programs)
    • Sibling Groups
  • How long is the SNAP® program?

    The 12-week SNAP® program is a structured group where caregivers and their enrolled child meet weekly for an hour for 12 weeks. Group sessions are held for both the caregivers and their child simultaneously in separate rooms.

  • What do parent/caregiver(s) and child(s) learn?

    Caregivers are taught effective child management strategies through group discussion, role-plays and home practice. Topics cover: SNAP® Parenting, Hard Thoughts and Cool Thoughts, Tracking/Monitoring, Listening and Effective Directions, Encouraging, Charting and Rewards, Effective Consequencing, Healthy Relationships, Setting Effective Limits, Dealing with Bullying and Family Problem Solving.

    Children are taught self-control skills, emotion-regulation skills, and problem-solving skills using the SNAP® strategy. Topics cover: Introduction to SNAP®, Listening, Hard Thoughts and Cool Thoughts, Dealing with Anger, Solving Problems, Feelings, Fair Play and being a Good Sport, Apologizing, Body Cues, Being Blamed, Stopping Stealing and Lying, Dealing with Bullying, Avoiding Trouble.

What people
are saying

“I learned so much from the SNAP program. I found myself constantly using the snap techniques to get through my days. The group sessions, role playing and reward system taught me how to do things differently and how to relate and communicate with my child.”

SNAP® parent

What is the referral criteria?

Refer a client
Refer a client

Need more information?

Call our Central Intake Line: 905 544 7778 or send us your questions through our Contact Us form.