Youth are referred by Probation Services through the referral process. Once a referral is obtained, youth are assigned to a Reintegration Services Worker, where they meet and determine the youth’s needs/goals. Hands-on services and supports will begin as soon as possible to assist the young person. We support and assist youth with family-related problems, drug or alcohol-related problems, healthy sexuality support and support for youth who need assistance with their educational needs. We educate youth by providing valuable life skills, which reinforce cognitive restructuring, problem-solving, and conflict resolution within the community and home environment.
In times of crisis, counselling services are available for youth and/or their families via telephone, or in person with a home or centre visit. Where available, youth will be referred to community agencies that specialize in the specific form of support they need.
We connect youth to community-based recreational activities and programs. We assist youth and their family to obtain subsidies. Reintegration workers will directly assist youth who have qualified for reintegration funding, to assist in the youth’s transition to the community.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where does Banyan provide Reintegration Services?
Services are delivered in the Hamilton, Haldimand, Norfolk and Niagara Regions.
Additional Resources
Replacing Identification
Health Card
Birth Certificate
Social Insurance Number
Finding Affordable Housing
What people
are saying
I never thought I would say I am actually glad I was put on Probation. The help I have been getting has been amazing. I don’t know where I would be if I didn’t have help from my worker.
What people
are saying
My stepson was able to get all his ID with the help from his Worker. It is a very frustrating system that I was unable to help him with. What a fantastic Program. Thank you so much.