Banyan’s Men’s Anti-Violence Program is counselling for high-risk men involved in child protective services who have been accused of perpetrating family violence. The program engages men in pursuit of successful behavioural change, including seeking appropriate treatment services, harm reduction approaches (i.e. elimination of exposure of children to violence) to ensure the safety of women and especially children.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does the program work?
The program begins with a joint meeting with the program participant, the child protection worker and Banyan’s family counsellor. The joint meeting provides an opportunity for the participant to learn more about the voluntary program and their collaboration agreement.
What are the goals of the program?
Goals of the program are to reinforce understanding of the impact of violence on a partner and children, acceptance of responsibility and support for improved child functioning within home and community. Participants completing the program will receive a certificate of completion.
Who is eligible for this program?
Program eligibility – for men who have:
- Active involvement with child protection services.
- Engaged in some form of abusive behavior or there are concerns of domestic violence within the relationship.
- Some interest in addressing their patriarchal forces influencing their actions and/or behaviour over women and children.
What people
are saying
Through MAV, I was able to reflect and explore myself, choices and actions. I learned how to deal with my emotions, problems and everyday stress. The program taught me how to take ownership of my actions and make better choices for myself and others.
Referrals to Banyan’s Men’s Anti-Violence Program are done through child protective service agencies such as The Children’s Aid Society of Hamilton or Catholic Children’s Aid Society of Hamilton.